We are a family owned independent retailer and we wanted to create the type of shop that we would like to shop in. Online shopping is fantastic for getting the things we need but we wanted to open a shop which brings back the enjoyment of going shopping. Our buyers enjoy sourcing affordable and flattering fashions which can be worn by everyone and we look forward to meeting you in the shop and offering old fashioned friendly service to help ensure that you leave us feeling truly happy with your purchases. Our stock of clothing, accessories and home and gift-wares changes every week so there will always be something new for you to come and take a look at. Oh, and we are dog lovers too, so if your dog is well behaved and on a short lead they are welcome to enjoy the retail therapy alongside you!
We want all of our staff to be safe and to feel safe to come to work and we want our customers to feel confident to visit so that they can relax and enjoy their time shopping with us. We have followed all government guidance and implemented many changes to the way we work to allow this to be the case. It is true that shopping will feel slightly different for a while at least but we hope the changes you will see in store will help you to feel safe and more able to enjoy your shopping experience. Changes you will see in store include the following: Asking customers to use hand sanitiser on entering the shop; Floor markers to help you maintain the 2m distance from other customers; Signs to discourage unnecessary touching of products; Our brand new fitting rooms out of action for the time being; A limit on the number of customers allowed in at one time; Our staff maintaining a 2m distance from you, although still delighted to help you and A strong preference for contactless payment wherever possible. If you see anything else we could do to help keep you safe, please do let us know. Of course, if you are unable to visit the store in person you can purchase many of our lovely items online with postage or a free click and collect option.